Monday, March 28, 2011


What do you think?

Friday, March 25, 2011


All crafty DIY projects shown here can be easily recreated by looking at their tutorials on 

I love the idea of repurposing my wine bottles. The only problem would be is 
when people come over to visit they would see the amount I consume for decoration.

I want to make a million of these yarn strung balls for decoration. 
This project is so easy and great for parties or just everyday decor.

Ever see those expensive capiz shell lanterns. Ever notice how they 
look exactly like wax paper? This genius project is so cheap, but
 maybe a little time consuming. Can't wait to give it a whirl. This last 
DIY project is not found with all the other ones but on


My First Photography Class

The first pictures were taken at the Como Zoo in Minnesota. The lion was an excellent model and quite the camera ham. Most my photography experiments are of animals. Go figure I think I wanted to be a wildlife photographer at some point in my childhood too! This erie last image was done with the classic pinhole camera. 

Past Class Projects

Graphic Communications Project on Magazine Cover Design
Created April 2009

Class Project - Print Ads for Product Combination of  Shift Cell Phone from Mini Cooper
Created January 2010

Class Project - Business Identity of Personal Hardware Expert
Created January 2010 

Class Project - Poster Design Addressing Controversy of Shark Fin Soup In Asia
Created  March 2010

below is a promotional package idea to go along with the poster, but this never came to for wishing... 

Burning Man 2011 - Project for Advertising Design
Created  November 2010

- Online Ad Teaser For Burning Man 2011

- Print 

 - Iphone Application 



Inspiring Handmade Jewlery

As someone who makes handmade jewelry as a hobby and is currently attempting to turn it into a business, I see inspiring jewelry designs from others everywhere. These talented jewelry crafters get me so excited with ideas for my own collection. Here are just a few
The many jewelry collections of Subversive Jewelry entail vintage chains and beads. The Sunken Treasure collection is very high fashion that contains an extensive amount of the vintage chain, rhinestone, faux pearls and glass beads. While the price of this particular necklace design shown is $575.00 (over-priced), I love the idea. Yes, whether making this necklace out of found chain and materials or buying new it will be a pricy item to create. But I hope to add something similar to this to my purchasable collection or at least my personal wardrobe.
I'm in love with the sterling silver crafted jewelry of this site. It's not badly priced too considering the materials which usually include sterling silver or 14k gold with cut and uncut precious gemstones in great crafted settings. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves. 


Perhaps someday this blog can showcase my jewelry designs as well once I get my business up and running professionally!

I want to be happy flower child

I love the idea of decorating your space with fresh flowers. But I'm not made of money. Buying flowers to brighten up your home or office gets expensive. But I've found many simple ways to create paper decorations that really cost next to nothing and last much longer than their real flower bouquets.

These simple roses can be made of any paper or felt you choose. A simple tutorial on how to make these can be found on I made a felt bouquet of a similar color palette to my jewelry design logo to be placed with any jewelry that I sell locally. Many people have asked if the flowers are for sale as well. This would make a great decorative gift for anyone and is so easy and cheap. 

Another paper flower craft idea I would love to try is the Pomander Flower Ball. They would seem to be a great idea for wedding centerpieces. But I'm more interested in making these into house decorations or even christmas ornaments. I will post pictures if I ever attempt this crafty idea!
A tutorial for the Pomanders can be found at